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 Elementary fifth grade students share Washington DC experience

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PostSubyek: Elementary fifth grade students share Washington DC experience    Elementary fifth grade students share Washington DC experience  Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 12:57 pm

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Elementary fifth grade students share Washington DC experience  Sharpe%20DC%20photo-students%20presenting%20wreath
Sharpe Elementary students participate in laying of a wreath ceremony
D.C.-Sharpe Elementary 5th grade students, staff and parents recently
made the memorable trip to Washington D.C and Virginia. The following is
the story of their trip through the eyes of 5th grade student, Briley

5th Grade Students Connect to the Past
By: Briley Chambers

The students of Sharpe Elementary's fifth grade had the opportunity
to experience Jamestown and Williamsburg, Virginia and Washington D.C.
this past week. We were able to see homes of important people inElementary fifth grade students share Washington DC experience  Sharpe%20DC%20photo-captiol
A group photo on the steps of the Capitol Building

history and museums full of artifacts. We viewed monuments and
memorials in honor of amazing people. Although there was much planning
and preparation for the trip, it was all worth it in the end.
first day in Virginia was like a dream. We went to Michie's Tavern and a
guided tour of a colonial home that provided lodging and food to
travelers over 200 years ago! We learned dances and games used in
colonial times. Afterwards, we went to Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's
home. We saw inventions and other things owned by the famous third
president. It was a day that won't be forgotten.
The next day, we
went to Jamestown and Williamburg. In Jamestown, we saw recreations of
the colony and Indian village. Indians and colonists gave us information
about life in their time. Then, in Williamsburg we saw homes and trades
of the colonists. We visited milliners, silversmiths, wigmakers and
apothecaries. We also toured the Govenor's Palace. It was a facinating
The next morning, we awoke to a bus ride to Arlington National
Cemetery. We saw the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown
Soldier. Four students, Jackson Beal, Briley Chambers, Griffin Hicks and
Lucy Schmidt, represented Sharpe Elementary and placed a wreath at the
tomb. We then saw the graves of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and passengers
on the Challenger Spacecraft. Later we went on a tour of the monuments
and memorials. We saw the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Wall, WWII
Memorial, and the Korean War Memorial. It was an honorable and touching
day for everyone.
Our last day in D.C. was one to remember. We went
to Mount Vernon where we saw George Washington's home, outbuildings and
grave. We also went to the Capitol where we saw statues of endless
people and the rotunda, full with historical paintings. After leaving
there, we were off to the Smithsonian. We were able to go to any museum
and all brought on great interest. There were dinosaur bones, airplanes,
statues, and more! We all had fun our last day!
As you can see, we
experienced the chance of a lifetime last week. It was something most
children don't get the opportunity to do. We learned so much and were
extremely grateful and appreciative to our teachers for making the trip

Photos by Sharpe Elementary parents and staff.
 Elementary fifth grade students share Washington DC experience  Sharpe%20DC-wreath
Students Briley Chambers and Jackson Beal were assisted in the Laying of the Wreath ceremony
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