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 Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011

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2 posters

Jumlah posting : 41
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Join date : 06.05.11
Age : 33
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Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011 Empty
PostSubyek: Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011   Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2011 3:11 am

Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011 292265_268679576480216_100000145278721_1257111_8029680_n

Creadits : Snip haX
Disclaimer: Implement following steps at your own risk.


Required Tools :
Winsock Packet Editor : wpepro.net
Opera : opera.com


Note: You will need WPE Pro for this cheat. As it is a hacking tool, there is some signatures similar to a malware and most anti-virus software will detect it as a virus. I disabled my anti-virus when using WPE-Pro. It's up to you if you want to use this cheat. I am not forcing you to download the software, but just saying if you cant trust me, don't use my stuff which always works.
Note By : // Anonymous Haxor. (YSN)


Required :
- 1 Secondary Facebook Account.
- VPN | Search it on Google.
- HideIP Address | Search on Google.


Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker, Okay, anybody know it, I'll bring it now, here, just for you, okay if have finished read this tutor, Please don't share to any Sites!
Ok, Lets Hack it.

Follow the step carefully :

1. Open
A. Zynga Poker with Your Second Account.
B. VPN / HideIP

2. Go to Room (Any Room) And play as normaly.

3. Open W.P.E, Target "opera.exe" and Sellect "Start Logging"

4. You have to Won the round 1 Time. and Sellect "Stop Logging"

5. You have to find this line : %xt%updateChips%,

6. Right Click the link and sellect "send"

7. Look your "Packet Size"
If you won "2622" Chips
And you got Packet Size : 28
And you want to change to "10000000" (10 Million)
2 6 2 2 = 4 | Packet Size
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 8 | Packet Size
Change "28" to "32"

8. Change 2622 to 10000000

9. Change "Continuously" to "1 Time(s)"

10. Click "Play" [>]

11. Reload Zynga Texas Hold'em Poker.

12. Turn Off VPN / HideIP and reload your Opera.

13. Transfer your Chips to your Main Account.

Visit by Singkut Cheater

Sup2 Sup2

kagak Nolak CEndol Gan CEndol Gan CEndol Gan
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Jumlah posting : 2
Points : 23447
Join date : 26.08.11

Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011   Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 6:42 pm

asss... gan... sudah saya cobak dan saya belum dapat hasilnya gan.... mohon pencerahannya udah saya cari yang %xt%updateChips% tetap gk mw nambah juga ntuch cip gan.. tolong pencerahannya yha ...

mohon balasannya atau via YM AJA yha gan...
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Jumlah posting : 41
Points : 24103
Join date : 06.05.11
Age : 33
Lokasi : Jambi

Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011   Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 03, 2011 6:08 pm

Gan Udach Ke Pacth.............................!!! maaf Sudach gak Works.............!!!
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Jumlah posting : 2
Points : 23447
Join date : 26.08.11

Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011 Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011   Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 15, 2011 8:26 pm

wualah gan... ane telat... hehehhe

oea gan ada both poker gan.... alnya katanya dah banyak both poker yang keluar gan ... tolong bantuannya yha gan ..
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Zynga | Texas Hold'em Poker - Chips Hack [ Patched ] 15/08/2011
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